11 June 2010


Today is Gabe's last day at Miss Jennifer's house for the school year - I know Mike is excited to stay home with him this summer, but we also know that Gabe is really going to miss seeing Jennifer and Priscilla every day. We are trying to work out some play dates over the summer so that they can hang out (and to make the transitions easier). What blows my mind is that this time last year I was on maternity leave - oh how time flies!

We started parent-child swimming lessons with Gabe last week and he's improved so much just in 4 lessons. He took to the water quickly, but for the first lesson mostly held tightly to me. Now he's good at floating, playing, blowing bubbles (when he isn't drinking the pool), and jumping into the pool. Yesterday he put his head under water for the first time and did really well with it. Now we just have to find someplace (outside) to take him swimming when this is all over - he is becoming quite the fish and the kiddie pool no longer seems to interest him.

Gabe has quite the repertoire of words now - his newest (and current favories) are "up" (when he wants us to pick him up or take him out of his [stroller, car seat, high chair]) and "hot" (as he points to the stove, microwave, or toaster oven). He has his own toaster oven to play with now - Mike's parents replaced ours and we put the old one next to the trash can. Gabe quickly claimed it, so we cleaned it up and cut the cord - now if you ask him to toast something, he walks over to it and turns the dials and opens/closes the door. So cute!

He has also started making this face, which he sometimes uses when he doesn't like something, but more often when he thinks something is funny.

Happy late birthdays to Elias, Eva, and Big Grant and today to Brian N


e said...

Quite possibly the best facial expression I have ever seen... I can't believe he's talking! Isn't it about time we start looking for places to live that aren't quite so far apart?

Anonymous said...

FYI - We have a BIG pool - welcoming anytime for a Friedman visit - (especially Gabe!) Love you and can't wait to see you in just a few weeks!
J4 Comes