28 May 2010

Gabe: Live on Two Legs

Gabe has been on the verge of walking for months now - he's been pulling up and standing with some assistance since he was 6 months old, walking while holding onto our fingers (or his walking wagon) since shortly after, and free-standing (unintentionally) since the beginning of spring. However, he's really had no interest in walking. This week Gabe walked a couple of steps from his music table to me and then to Mike, from the kitchen cabinets to Mike (video below), and tonight from the cabinets to the kitchen table (a whopping 10 steps!). I don't know how long it will be before he chooses this mode of locomotion over crawling, but I'd say he's officially capable of it!

Gabe walks from the cabinets to Mike
12 months old

Happy birthday to Gabe's Godfather Lucas today! Also, congratulations to Emily and Brian who are getting married tomorrow. Congratulations you guys!