It's been a busy couple of weeks at the lair of Team Friedman. Last week, Mom came to visit and to take care of Gabe during the days. While she was here, we got Gabe his first pair of shoes. He's not quite walking yet, but he loves to walk around holding onto our fingers. After a couple of trips around the grocery store in socks, we decided that a trip to the shoe store was in order. We also knew we needed a pair of new car seats, since Gabe was within 1/2" of the height limit of his infant seat. Bubbie and Papa bought Gabe an early birthday gift. He loves having the extra space (we've since gotten a second one for my car).
We were only able to take a couple of walks early in the week before the weather got cold again, but did venture out for a fancy dinner together. Later that week, we celebrated Mom's birthday with a Mike-cooked dinner and guacamole. We watched some of the Olympics, played some games. Oh yeah, we also replaced our hot water heater which gave out on us Tuesday.
On Friday we took Gabe on his first out-of-state road trip (his 5th and 6th states!). We drove up to DC after Gabe went to bed, and he slept most of the drive up. There, we stayed with Susan and Mike. The next morning, Dad arrived (he was in town for a conference) followed by Sara, Ben, and Stella. We went on a cold walk through the snow and spent the day hanging out, playing games, and eating. Gabe enjoyed playing with Cousin Stella. On Sunday we enjoyed a delicious brunch at Sara & Ben's house before driving back to NC (where we were greeted last night with more snow).
Happy birthdays to Mom and Jessica!
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