One of Gabe's favorite tricks is climbing. Ever since he could pull up to standing, he's been scaling our furniture - stairs, desks, shelves, dishwashers. Last week he managed to get onto the pack n' play changing table that we have in the living room. I was there to make sure he didn't fall, but he got up there all by himself. You can see his path better in the pic below: first up to the couch, then over the top of the couch, and finally onto the changing table. He was quite pleased with himself and wasted no time playing with the wipes container on the table.
Later the same week, Gabe scaled the box for the car seat that Mindy had loaned us. His goal: a roll of duct tape on top that he promptly knocked down and then hopped off to play with. What a little monkey!
Other new tricks: waving (and saying) "bye bye," dancing, feeding Mommy and Daddy, playing peek-a-boo (initiating it by pulling his taggy blanket over his face and giggling hysterically), and pulling off his socks and bib.
Happy birthday to Dad/Grandpa last weekend!
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