16 February 2010

Mini Me

Everyone who meets Gabe has an opinion about who he looks like. Some say he looks just like me, some say he looks just like Erin, some see both. Me personally, I can't tell yet, but his behavior, that's another story.

Exhibit A:

I was holding Gabe and having a snack, hummus and crackers, and he showed some interest, so I put a little hummus on my finger and let him taste it. Normally when trying new foods, he make the most wonderful grimace and will many times pair it with a noise, which I obviously can't relate in this forum, but suffice it to say, sprays food everywhere. This time was not the case. So I let him try the tiniest piece of cracker. He's used to bigger puffs though they are designed to disintegrate in the mouth. He handled that well. Finally, I put some hummus on a tiny piece of cracker and he actually opened his mouth and leaned forward to get to the snack.

Exhibit B:

I guess you have to start him early. In Gabe's hand is the coffee mug that I bought my first semester at Tulane (Fall '97) and take to work every day. I guess I'll get him a starbucks gift card for his first birthday.

Exhibit C:

Gabe loves the PS3 controller. I thought it was the red led on the top, but as it turns out, he likes it because I'm playing with it. I know this because I tried to trick him and give him the player two controller while I was playing and he wasn't falling for it. He also figured out that when his presses things on the controller, sounds from and things on the tv change.

Happy Birthday to Adam yesterday.