09 July 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Today we embark on an adventure to Seattle for Kurt and Geneva's wedding. This will be Gabe's first two flights with a 45 minute layover in DFW. Wish us good luck and we'll tell you how it went when we get back.

On a completely unrelated note: Last night I was thinking about words like the difference between ice and dry ice and I asked Erin about it. I asked her if the word ice was specific to water. Like if you freeze alcohol, what do you call it? She said "ice-ohol." OK, I said, what if you freeze milk? She said "milk-ohol."


Erin said...

Mike failed to mention that this conversation was at 10:30 pm. I claim sleep-deprived brain (since I can no longer claim pregnancy brain).

pantsyzilla said...

If I didn't know better, I would think Erin was always wasted.

Josh said...

Sleep-deprived brain, or had you had a couple shots of milk-ohol?