The visit itself was a lot of fun - Gabe loved hanging out with Arne and Anne, sitting by the lake, meeting Erin and Eric, dipping his feet in the hot tub, taking his first trip to the spaghetti factory, and going to the rehearsal dinner and meeting Kaare & Sigrunn, Rhonda, Dale & Audrey, Kurt and Geneva, and Shane and Emily. He especially enjoyed meeting Maddox (3) and Colton (who is only 2 weeks older) - his first experience with other young kids and babies. He and Colton spent time just staring at each other - very cute :)
Kurt & Geneva's wedding was beautiful. They had it at the Golf Club at Newcastle which had a beautiful view of the city. The weather was perfect - a bit on the chilly side, but warm enough to keep the tent open. We had a gorgeous sunset and there was even a far-off fireworks show at one point during the reception. Gabe slept for the whole ceremony and most of the reception, but did get out on the dance floor (mostly with Grandpa and Grandma). The pics are all up in our web albums.
On Wednesday we took Gabe in for his 2-month doctor's appointment - aside from the shots (he had 3 shots covering 7 vaccinations), he was a really happy guy, smiling and laughing at Dr. Adams. He weighed in at 11 lb 4 oz and was 22.5 inches long. He was 25th percentile across the board. That's our little grower!
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