As of today, Gabe has completed two months of life. I'm still reeling from that statistic - time has really flown by recently. Gabe has changed a lot since we brought him home from the hospital. Aside from the obvious (growing longer and gaining weight), he has really developed good head control, he's able to see much more (our faces, the tv, and his new favorite - pictures on the wall), he smiles, he is very vocal, he's starting to sleep more at night (well, for the first stretch anyway - he'll go for 5 hours but then wakes up every 90 minutes - we're still working on that part), and he's really trying to push himself around when he's lying on his tummy.
Uncle Rick came to visit for the 4th of July weekend and we had a great time with him. We mostly just hung out and relaxed - watched some movies and an entire season of Weeds, ate good food, and shot off some fireworks in the driveway. Plus now Gabe has an entire new wardrobe thanks to Rick :)

Happy birthday yesterday to Dan! Also happy late birthdays last week to Ben, Mindy, and Aunt Susan :)
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