Dan and Claire got married in AL, and since we flew to Atlanta and drove to AL, Gabe has now been to 11 states. The whole weekend was much fun - so great to catch up with all of our friends. Lucas came to visit for a week and though we didn't do anything very North Carolina-ey (sorry Lucas!) we had an awesome time just hanging out with him. Phil visited NC for work and we got to see him for a couple of evenings, including Mike's birthday. My cousins also moved to NC and we are loving being able to have impromptu dinners and gaming sessions with them. They also serve as family travel bait - we got to see Laura and Rick on Laura's birthday because they were in town visiting :) We're also swapping babysitting which has worked out fabulously. Mike's parents came to visit for a long weekend, and we filled the time as much as we could. Mike also started a new teaching job, which he loves. You can't imagine how happy it makes me to see him satisfied with work after the last year of horrible-ness.
Gabe is changing every day which still blows our mind. Current new favories: keys (and putting them in the door, in the car ignition, or even in his toy car where the ignition should be), Elmo (I blame his cousin Stella for this one, as we certainly didn't teach him!), dancing, singing, rolling around on the floor (thanks, Little Gym), and saying "okey-dokey." He has so many new words that I can't keep track, but some of my new favorites are Mickey, green beans, and Ruby (his babysitter's dog). He knows the words for (and can point to) most of his body parts except that he still insists that his ears are also called "eyes."
Ok, next update will have some visuals to go along with it.
Finally, happy August birthdays! Of course, happy birthday to Mike :) And also to Megan, Jonah, Laura, Hugh, Kate, Nikki, Tommy, and Beau. Phew!
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