07 September 2010

I want to be an astronaut

That's the title of Gabe's current favorite book, not a personal opinion. Well ok, it's still sort of true, but not the point - a few months ago, Phil got Gabe a copy of this book because Jack loved it so much. G has been interested in it for some time, but lately he wants it constantly - he brings it in the car with him, carries it around the house, shuffles through the books on the shelf looking for it. This weekend his new word is astronaut ("am-nah") and he said it over and over.

Gabe also has long been a fan of the dishwasher. On Friday I was cleaning up around the house and he was playing in the kitchen. I left for 30 seconds and when I came back, he was playing like this:

Silly boy! We had a great long weekend together. The weather cooled off enough for us to keep the windows open most of the time and to get out of the house. Highlights included a trip to the park and a trip to the Museum of Life & Science with S&S.