02 August 2010

Keep on rockin' in the horsey world

Tommy's dad John made Gabe his first rocking horse and it couldn't have arrived at a better time. Gabe was on an every-animal-says-"baaa" trend but soon after we unwrapped the horse, he learned that horses say "neigh neigh." He's also taught himself (in true monkey fashion) how to climb onto the horse (next task: climbing down).

Gabe leaned to climb up onto his new rocking horse
July 2010
15 months

Last weekend was full of friends, famliy, and gaming. On Friday we played our first D&D game in over a month (and the first with virtual-Jess) and managed to not pay too high a price for taking an extended rest in an enemy stronghold :) On Saturday Lucas flew in from Norway to visit us for the week and on Sunday we enjoyed hanging out with him and later also with my cousin Ben who just moved to Cary (Sara and Stella will be here today!). All of this activity is making it hard to get up and go to work in the morning, though...

Happy birthday later this week to Erica! Happy early 30th, big E, you old lady :)


Matt said...

Ahaha - horses say "up". I love it.