16 April 2010

Pros and Cons

A quick post, but too good to pass up:

We ran Gabe a bath and he was standing waiting to go in. I took off his diaper and he immediately peed on my foot. While laughing hysterically, Erin put Gabe in the bath only to find little brown dots floating in the water. I know what you're thinking, but you're way off. Turns out Gabe had walked through the cat litter and Erin had put him in the bath still wearing one sock.

On the other hand, Gabe has become an unconscious pro at a number of things, many of which I've noticed, but never called out. He always knows which side of a door a hinge is on, he always gets his fingers out of the way when closing doors and drawers, he is a great sound mimic, learning how to make all the sounds we make at him, and just now after his bath, as we were putting on his PJs, he lifted one foot and then the other as we put on his pants (which was quite helpful as a couple of days ago I put both of his legs in a pair of jeans). Where does he learn this stuff?


Katie G. said...

It wouldn't be because his mommy and daddy are both really smart people too, and he might have some good genes (and some cute jeans)? *grin*

UncleYosh said...

YouTube videos, mostly.