12 December 2009

Buried Treasure

Good places to bury things:

Under the tree is a good place to bury presents. Here's a picture of ours, notice the Hanukkah bear tree topper:

In your gums is where Gabe's first two teeth were. They have now broken through and we have already felt the wrath of them many times.

In the couch is a less expected place to bury things, but yesterday I went looking for the remote for the TV and found this:

The couch was a hand-me-down from Jan and Jim and in it were some things of Jim's (an ee. cummings book and a 1992 magazine), Carmex (which I assume is Jan's), and some of the boys' toys (duplo, a car, and a thermometer) along with some other treasures.


Grandma Nette said...

The tree is beautiful, and a lot bigger than I expected. I love seeing the familiar ornaments, and would love to see the Hanukkah bear but he seems to be out of the picture. Love the blending of cultures. Can't wait to see you in 8 days!
Love, Mom