20 December 2009

Our little monkey

Yesterday was busy for us - we hosted D&D from 11-4:30 (and are now level 4!) and then had Kim & Dan over for dinner at 6. Because of that, we were scrambling between events to get things cleaned up and dinner cooked. While we were both in the kitchen (a rarity, as usually one of us cooks and the other plays with Gabe in the living room), Gabe played with some tupperware and spoons on the kitchen floor. However, he soon put his monkey climbing skills to use and used the top rack of the dishwasher to climb onto the open door.

What a funny kid!

Gabe has gotten very good at "da da" but "da da" means everything, including Daddy, Mommy, kitties, and anything else he sees. He is also good at "raaawwr" which we call his dinosaur noise :) One of his favorite things to do is stand at the screen door and watch what's going on outside - especially if one of us is out of the house. It's so awesome to come home to his smiling face waiting for me at the door! Gabe now climbs the stairs without a lot of trouble. He is also starting to cruise along furniture while standing up and holding on to it. We are in big trouble as I'm guessing he'll be walking in the not too distant future.

Happy birthday to our sister-in-law Jennifer the 11th and to Jesse today!