04 October 2009

Gabe vs the Atlantic

Gabe wins!

We took Gabe on his first roadtrip in mid-September because I was giving a talk at the Plant Molecular Biology conference in Wilmington. On Friday we packed up the car (with so much stuff!) and drove out to the beach - the weather was ok, though overcast and chilly when we arrived. The event didn't kick off until 8pm, so we took a walk on the beach, introduced Gabe to the ocean, and ended up ordering a room service dinner because we couldn't find any reasonably priced food and didn't want to wake up Gabe to leave the hotel. The welcome reception was nice and we got to hang out with a lot of our friends from the Bio department. On Saturday I went to some talks, we spent our break on the ocean and lounging in the shade by the pool (sun finally came out!) and I gave my talk right before dinner. On Sunday we left early since Gabe took a nap and we decided driving home would be easier during naptime. All in all a pretty stress-free and relaxing weekend.

Once we returned home, we gave Gabe his first taste of rice cereal.

He's been grabbing at our plates for weeks and really wants to eat, so it was fun to indulge him. We waited a few days before his second dose and now he's eating a bit every night. He doesn't need the nutrition but boy does he like eating "big boy food" from a spoon :) It's quite a mess, though, and often requires a bath after we're finished.

We spent last weekend babyproofing the house as Gabe is more mobile every day. He's still just scooting but he's very good at it - he's started chasing the cats and is trying to grab them. Surprisingly, Zoe has been the most tolerant - even letting Gabe grab her fur as long as we're there to pet her at the same time...

Congrats to Jan & Nick who got married yesterday!!


Meg Natraj said...

Haha! I remember at lunch at the Spaghetti Factory when he went straight for my spaghetti. He knows that what we eat is so much better than what he eats!

And I love the photo of Zoe! She just looks so annoyed but resigned to the idea of having the Gabe fingers in her face!

Emily said...

Zoe is a trooper. I guess this means that Gabe's next word to learn is "gently!"