29 March 2009

Wish I'd taken pictures

It's getting down to the wire now and I'm so ready for this to get moving. They say the last few weeks are the hardest - which is definitely the case but hard to accept mentally when it's so close to the end (feels like it should all be downhill from here). Anyway, last week we met with Gary Elliott and got some life insurance (a process we're almost finished with - just need to have the physical next week), toured the maternity area at the UNC Women's hospital (boy are they busy there!), and pre-washed all of Gabe's bedding and clothes. We also watched some UNC basketball (more tonight!) and last night played some Guitar Hero 4 with Jamie. My favorite part of the night was when she gave Zoe a raspberry - the reaction was hilarious!

I missed some birthdays last week: Sam had a momentous one with the big 6-0 and Danny had a birthday the same day (Mon). Also, happy birthday to Kelly and Julia last week!


RichardsonHeights said...

You probably ought not to take it easy on the Star Power (for the baby's sake).

-- Nathan

Erin said...

I will keep that in mind and make sure the star power flows abundantly.