30 October 2008

I was a baby ape??

When Mom & Dad were visiting earlier this month, they packed up a bunch of my old baby clothes so that Mike and I could decide what to keep, what to reuse, and what to ditch. It was fun going through them (though I wore most of them when I was so young, I had to rely on Mom's memories of each item) - some held up pretty well over the years, some were just for sentimental value, and some, well, I can't quite explain. 

This is an IU sweatshirt that I wore when I was 1 or 2 years old. It's been stored in a foot locker ever since (along with everything else) - so how did the sleeves end up so stretched out?? I swear it didn't hang on a line by the sleeves for 26 years, but that's about the only way I can explain the disproportionate stretching you see. Either that, or I was an ape-child (which I think my parents would remember!) and this shirt fit me just fine. While we were all laughing hysterically about the shirt, Mom made a suggestion between laughs: "I dunno, maybe your kid will have long arms!" Gee, thanks Mom!! :) 


Anonymous said...

Maybe the sleeves are normal length and you were just trying to show off your rock-hard 1-2 year old midriff?