29 October 2008

Good riddance, first trimester...

Well, not quite yet (I'm in the middle of the 12th week, so I have another week and a half before I can check off that milestone) but it's close. I don't know what I'm expecting. I've slowly been noticing an improvement (or more accurately: trading symptoms for others). The nausea is almost gone, but raging headaches have taken its place.  I still don't have much of an appetite for some foods, but I do seem to be hungry all of the time (even at 3am when I'm supposed to be sleeping!). What I'm most looking forward to is an increase in the energy level. I'm behind on so many things - lab work, house work, my to-do list... seriously, don't come to our house right now. It's a mess! 

So the grape is still in there and cooking (though this week it's apparently lime-sized. I dunno - the lime doesn't have the same ring to it as the grape does...). Otherwise, we're gearing up for a Halloween block party, excited to vote next week, and enjoying finally wearing long sleeves. 

Currently reading: The Last Colony


Meg Natraj said...

Hmmm... Lime makes me think:

but your blog won't let me insert images, so...

[Insert mental picture of a margarita glass garnished with a lime slice]