That's right, Gabe now sleeps in a toddler bed. We weren't ready to make the switch, but he'd learned to climb out of the pack n play (where he falls asleep at least once a week when we're visiting with family), and he could also climb into his crib from the floor. We didn't like all of that climbing, so Mike (broken ankle, flu, and all) assembled the big boy bed. Honestly, it's going ok. Once G is asleep, he tends to sleep through the night in his bed. On the occasion that he wakes up, he either calls us in or hops in bed with us. But bedtime is another story. He's always required one of us to stay in the room with him while he falls asleep. We'd been putting him in the crib and sitting in the room while he put himself to sleep. Now that he's not confined to the crib (or the room), there is more wandering and distraction involved. Bedtime takes a lot longer, but it usually ends up with him asleep in the bed nonetheless.
As always, Gabe is amazing us with his learning curve - he can count past twenty, he knows the alphabet, and he can correctly identify a handful of colors. He also knows the names of all of his favorite Sodor engines.
We've had great visits with family and friends lately. Christmas was a blast (19 of us on Christmas morning!), Bubbie and Papa just left, the Taylors came to visit, and Uncle Rickey is on his way right now. I submitted my second first-author paper and am defending my PhD thesis on March 18. Mike is still loving his new school. Gabe is the only healthy person in the house, since Mike has a broken ankle, just had the flu, and I have strep throat. There are a bunch of pics from December and January in the picasa web albums.
I missed a ton of birthdays since our last post, so happy birthdays to May, Jacob, Sara, Jenn, Will, Jesse, Myrah, Angela, Skylar, Fran, Nate, Jan, Arwen, Ed, and Will.
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