18 October 2010

Finally fall

It's not to say that we don't still have warm days here, but we've had our share of chilly ones, too. It's finally feeling like fall here, and I'm looking forward to all of the fall activities that we have planned.

Every time I think that our lives can't possibly get busier, they do. I'm not complaining, but I am sorry I haven't had more of a chance to post updates! Mike had fall break and got to spend a nice couple of days home with G. We had several chances for dinner, movies, and games with family and friends. Work and school have ensured that we have no true downtime. Plus Gabe is changing so much. We stopped writing down his new words because they were coming too quickly for us to keep track (but some of my new favorites are Oreo, peek-a-boo, airplane, Thomas (the train), tickle, and Galileo [of the Baby Galileo variety]). He is tackling new obstacles each week at Little Gym - this week he was crazy about the balance beam and the springboard. He is in love with the new baby at his babysitter's house and comes home every night talking about Ava. He also is officially into a train phase and requested to watch Thomas (Tommy) every time he passed the TV this weekend. To appease him, we made a trip to Barnes & Noble to play with the train set there and randomly saw some train car reshuffling in downtown Apex.

In other news, welcome to the world Alma (and congrats to new Mom & Dad Alysia & Steve)!

And finally, happy birthdays to Uncle Jim and to Debbie :)