10 May 2010

Our dancing monkey

You all know that Gabe is quite the monkey. Last week I was putting away clothes in Gabe's room while he played at my feet and Mike ran him a bath in the bathroom across the hall. Mike was standing at the top of the stairs sending email on his phone. At one point, I realized I hadn't heard Gabe for about 30 seconds, so I yelled out to ask if he was with Mike. He wasn't, so we were both surprised to find Gabe in the bathroom and... in the sink! In 30 seconds, he had left his room, gotten to the bathroom, climbed up on the toilet, over onto the cat box, used the toilet paper roll as a step, and got up onto the counter. When we got to him, he was sitting in the sink, playing happily with his toothbrush. We are in so much trouble!

Gabe also really likes to dance - it doesn't matter where the music comes from - our singing, his music table, a musical book, the radio, and his glow worm are all valid sources - but he really likes to groove. Yesterday morning he was playing with the radio on Mike's alarm clock and I caught him on video.

Gabe doing all his dance moves.

We got all of the birthday photos uploaded and they are now happily living in our webalbums.


Ubercoat said...

That video is awesome :)

Jan said...

I can't believe he climbed into the sink that easily! Keeping you on your toes, for sure.