30 April 2010

Almost one...!?!

The past year has absolutely flown by for us. It's an interesting juxtaposition of feelings: I can't believe it's nearly been a year since he was born, but I can't really remember what life was like before him. It's like he's been here for an eternity and a second at the same time.

Inspired by Jack's swing in St. Louis that Gabe enjoyed so much, Mike decided to build a similar swing frame for him at our house. Since we don't have a tree big enough to hang one in, he took some pictures and got some instructions from Amanda's dad about Jack's swing and then set out to recreate it. Danny, Sarah, and Mia came over on a Sunday morning and the boys spent a few hours cutting lumber, drilling holes, and assembling the 7' frame. I was very surprised - though there were a few hang-ups (like a saw blade too small to cut a 4'x4'), they improvised fixes and had the whole thing operational by early afternoon. Gabe and Mia both enjoyed testing it out! Happy early birthday little man!

Uncle Rick sent Gabe a walker wagon and we couldn't resist letting him open it early. Here he is checking it out in the house. It's already gotten a lot of outdoor use and when inside, he enjoys climbing into it over and over and over.

Gabe has developed quite the sense of humor, imitating our laughs, and doing things that he think will provoke ours (like repeatedly dumping the kitty food all over the kitchen floor). He is working on learning to feed himself with a spoon (a feat that requires a bath after every dinner), climbing even higher than before (tables and beds are no longer safe!), and talking (aside from his 4 or 5 words, he lets out a constant stream of babbles and baby sounds).

I've been negligent in the birthday department: happy April bdays to Jeremy, Richie, Ann (see? I'm trying not to fall back on "Mrs. H."), and Megan.


Jan said...

So cute! I love how much Gabe and Mia play together. Loving the red hair on him too.