We had a lot planned last weekend but most of it fell victim to the snowstorm that started on Friday night and didn't end until early Sunday morning. We actually got a substantial amount of snow - 5 or 6" sandwiched between ice and sleet - so of course NC shut down for most of the week. We enjoyed just staying inside and warm for most of the weekend, but were glad that Phil, Amanda, Jack, and Hugh still managed to visit for a couple of hours on Sunday. It was a very short visit, but we were happy just to see them - twice in two months! Gabe was very excited that his buddies were visiting, and spent his time shadowing Jack and giggling at Hugh. We're still trying to teach him to be gentle (and not to steal pacifiers from babies' mouths!) but luckily Hugh was a good sport about it all. Somehow I didn't manage to get out the camera all evening but I was able to steal pics from Phil :)

So in true NC fashion, school was canceled due to the snow and ice. On Monday we both stayed home with Gabe since the roads were pretty awful. I went to work on Tues & Wed while Mike stayed home (yes, he had 3 snow days from a Saturday snowstorm!) and today Mike is back on a 1-hour delay. Gabe enjoyed his time at home, but also was happy to see Jennifer and her kids this morning.
Happy birthdays to Ed & Will
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