26 January 2010

AFC Champs!

Thanks to the afternoon game time, Gabe was able to watch his first full Colts game on Sunday. Of course it was a big one, ending in another trip to the Super Bowl. Gabe was good for the whole thing - he watched a little bit, but mostly we played upstairs (since we don't have cable and the antenna gets better reception on our bedroom TV).

Otherwise, we've really just enjoyed a calm January and hanging out at home. We've been on a couple of walks thanks to unseasonably (though fleeting) warm weather, celebrated Nathan's birthday at his party on Saturday (Gabe got to see so many people!), and spent countless hours cruising around the living room. Gabe loves to walk around while holding onto furniture, but will happily switch to crawling (and boy has he gotten fast) if something catches his attention like a kitty or the laptop. Also, his hair is finally starting to grow - he still has way more in the middle, so the other night we gave him his first mohawk. That's my little punk rocker!

Happy birthdays to Angela, Myrah, Skylar, Fran, and Evan. Also a warm welcome (Dec 21) to baby Mary Katherine! Congrats Katie, Dave, and Grace on the new addition to your family!!