23 November 2009

Standing up

All of the practicing Gabe has done lately paid off today: he learned how to pull himself up to standing! The video is about his 3rd successful attempt at the task. We now have to find a new storage place for the laptop.

Gabe learns how to pull up to standing
23 November 2009
6.5 months

We've had a busy but great last couple of weeks. Gabe's last babysitter left on us unexpectedly, so Grandma Nette flew out here for a week and a half to take care of our monkey for us. They had a great time hanging out and relaxing at the house. I could tell that Gabe really enjoyed staying home with her - he slept less and ate more in our absence and was always very happy when we came home from work. We also enjoyed having some time with Mom - she cooked dinner for us a lot of the nights, we watched some movies, did some shopping, and just enjoyed her company. Plus is was so much easier to get things done in the evenings with an extra set of hands!

Gabe is also becoming a champ at eating. He loves his dinners so much that we've added breakfast on the weekends and will also add it on weekdays starting after Thanksgiving. So far his favorites are rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, pears, peaches, carrots, and sweet potato. We're still working on the green beans and peas - he dislikes green veggies just like his Mommy :)

There were lots of November birthdays in my absence, so I'll get right to it. Happy birthdays to Natalie A, Cousin Ben, Eliot, and Nick K (on his honeymoon to boot!) :)


Jan said...

And I'm sure he was so proud of himself when he finally got up there. So cute!