09 November 2009

6 months!

Gabe celebrated his half birthday on Friday. To commemorate the event, we went to Chili's where Mike and I took advantage of the 2 for 20 and Gabe ate some sweet potatoes (his first commercial baby food experience). Here is Gabe at 6 months, sporting the outfit that M and I bought for him nearly a year ago on the evening we found out he was a boy :)

Gabe's first Halloween was a huge success. On Friday, Mike brought him up to our building's Halloween party where he got to meet a lot of my colleagues and show off his costume. On Saturday, we had Jacob, Jess, Matt, and Kelly over for some Halloween-themed D&D. After the game, we dressed Gabe up as Link and he got to walk around the neighborhood a bit. Then it was back inside for dinner and more gaming with J&J.

Since our previous babysitting arrangement ended last week, we are trying out a new sitter starting today. I'm really hoping that it works out for us because I hate moving Gabe around right now - he needs some stability (or maybe I need him to have it so that I don't worry about him so much while I'm at work!). Mom is flying out on Wed to watch him for a week and a half, so if things don't work out we have a chance to find an alternative. At least he'll have some good Grandma bonding time!

Happy birthdays to: Bubbie Diane, Jason K, cousin Stella, Hanna, and Sophia!


Jan said...

Love the costume! Happy half birthday Gabe!