10 September 2009

Goings On

So it's been a long time since we posted and even longer since I (Mike) posted. Here's what you've missed:

Three weeks ago we had a visit from the Maurizi clan. Mike, Susan, Sara, Ben, Stella, Laura and her fiance Rick came to North Carolina for a family vacation and stopped in our neck of the woods to hang out with us. We had a good time, playing Carcassonne, Guitar Hero, eating an incredible brunch (Thanks Mike and Susan) and just enjoying each others company. It was great to see everyone and to meet Rick.

Last weekend we flew to Indiana so that everyone could meet Gabe and so that he could be baptized with Meg and Lucas as his god-parents. Lynnette and Steve had everyone over for a sort of open house to meet Gabe on Saturday afternoon and the baptism was Sunday morning. Outside of that we spent as much time as we could with Meg and Lucas - who knows when they'll be back from Norway next :) Gabe also hit 4 months on Sunday.

Yesterday, Gabe had his 4 month doctors appointment. Everything is looking good - he's now 13 lbs. 10 oz. (in the 25-50th percentile) and 25 and 1/4 in. tall (50-70th percentile). The doctor said we could try feeding him baby foods over the next few months, so expect some pictures of Gabe with rice cereal everywhere. The doctor also was surprised/impressed with Gabe's strength and ability to roll over, scoot and hold himself up.


Emily said...

Looks like a fun visit. So Gabe is joining the ranks of the gentiles at passover, huh? Good for him!