Tommy visited for 10 days and we kept ourselves busy the whole time. Tommy was kind enough to help out around the house (cleaning, cooking, gardening, grocery shopping, even folding laundry) and it was fun to just have some relaxing time to hang out. In addition to bonding with and photographing Gabe, Tommy helped us flesh out the backstory for our D&D characters. We also spent time watching movies, playing games (Munchkin Cthulhu, Carsacconne, Killer Bunnies, Guitar Hero), and just catching up. We ended the week with our first D&D quest (Jacob, Jessica, Matt, and Kelly came over for something like 8 hours) which was a lot of fun. It was cool that Tommy was here to play Mike's character and help us out with some of the rules :)
Gabe with one of his gifts from Tommy
Since Sunday afternoon we've been flying solo as a family of 3, and while we miss the company, we're really enjoying figuring things out on our own. I hesitate to say we're in a routine, but we have managed to accomplish most of what's on our list each day. We've also managed some walks, a trip to Chapel Hill for E's 6 week appt and to meet some of the co-workers, and some shopping outings.
The photos should be updated by now, so enjoy them. Also, happy late birthdays to Amanda on Sunday and to Uncle Jason yesterday.
I love that Gabe is riding Yoshi in this picture!
He is so cute. I hope we get to meet him in person sometime soon.
All the pictures are beautiful - so glad Tommy was there - the pix of you asleep, Mike, cradling Gabriel's head, are priceless - we love you so much! J4
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