Putting aside sharks (and rainbows and unicorns (whomever the anonymous poster was, thanks)), as of today, Erin is at 28 weeks. We had a nice Valentine's Weekend, which I'm sure Erin will post about. But more importantly, here's E at 28 weeks with a sexy new hair cut.
Good grief, baby girl! Did you eat a watermelon last week? No wonder you can't bend over anymore. And you really cut your hair--send pics of the back and sides!
Love you!
No, I swear to you it's the shirt. That shirt always makes me look a month more pregnant than I actually am. Today I'm wearing the same sweater as in the 26 wk photo and you can barely tell the difference between now and then.
Erin- You keep looking more and more amazing. I hope you feel fantastic too! I'm so happy for you both and sad I'll miss meeting Gabe- unless I make a trip down to The Thrill this summer. All the best for the last 2.5-3 months!
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