Since returning from Indiana, we've spent quite a bit of time cleaning out and rearranging the house. What started as turning the office into a hybrid office/guest room ended with us cleaning out three closets, throwing out quite a bit of stuff, and archiving others to the attic. We ended the madness by heading out to Babies R Us yesterday to buy a few nursery essentials. We (mostly I) felt a need to have the nursery look more like a nursery - for starters, we picked up and assembled a changing table. We also bought a crib mattress (to cover up the crib's box springs, aka "steel death trap" and make it into more of a bed) along with a mattress pad and a Pooh bedding set. We still have some paintings to hang (right now they're balanced on the crib) but it's starting to look like a room. Of course, Gryffin now thinks it belongs to him and is in love with the crib. Some pics below.

Our lives haven't been completely baby-oriented, though. On Friday we found some time to play some 2-player Catan. Last night Mike played poker with the guys, I went out with Angela and Hanna to a party at Nina's house, then spent the rest of the night playing Mortal Kombat with Paul, Adam, Niko, Milla, and Myrah.
I love the rooms--they both look so homey and inviting. Good job kiddos!
Yeah this is great for Gabe, but where will Mike and I battle for the title of "Ruler of Dr. Mario"????
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